Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day of Pre School

James, Ben, and Isaiah - Two of Ben's YMCA Southwest Eagan 
pre school friends from last year and this year.
Ben had his first day of pre school 2008 today (9/5/08).  He is now in 3 day pre school.  He was excited to see several of his friends from last year, Anja, Natalie, James, Isaiah, and Nina to name a few.  He was sad to learn that his friends, Jenna, Alexander, Peyton, and Michael are no longer in his class.  I'm sure he will make many new friends this year as there are 24 kids in his class!  His new teacher's name is Miss Jenny which I find funny since I have often been called Miss Jenny myself by members of my family.
Today was one of the boy's in his class birthday so he got to have a birthday treat on the very first day!  Ben can't seem to remember the name of the boy whose birthday it was.  Guess that is something we have to work on!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Ben's first day photos are adorable! Keep up the great photography. I got a Sony 300 or something like that. My husband picked it out, did all the research and I'm really happy with it. I also checked out your brother's site... very cool. Wish I could join the winter pickups... too far away!