Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gimme Don't Get

It is always an eye opener when your children repeat phrases back to you that you say or that other people in their lives say. We all know kids can say funny things with their innocent carefree perspective of the universe. Here are a few of the sayings and phrases currently floating around the Dockerty household.

1. Gimme Don't Get - Now this one comes from his Nanny Paulette. She corrects Ben when he says "Gimme that Emily". The funny thing is apparently I must say it too as I will be in line at the grocery store and say something like "Give me that bread please Ben" and he will say "Give me don't get MOM!" Sadly I had to ask him what I should say and he proudly said, "Please hand me the bread would be better".
2. What the Heck - This one comes from both Mike and I. I of course didn't realize how often we both said it until Ben started saying it all the time. It sounds pretty funny coming out of a four year olds mouth.

We have finally added a few words to Em's vocabulary. Here is a list of the words she currently uses:
1. Mama! (said very demanding)
2. Signing "More"
3. Dada
4. BAAAA! For Ben and she will only say it if she is shouting for him!
5. Bye - Just last night she said Bye about 100 times as we were leaving my cousins house. We were taking a long walk up a hill after being at a bon fire and she said Bye to the crowd every 5 seconds.
6. Wolf Wolf - For What a dog says - she gets very excited when she sees dogs, it's a definite love hate relationship as she wants to see them but when they get close she jumps into my arms.
7. Baba for milk or bottle.
8. Uh oh! My all time favorite as once toddlers start saying it they can't seem to stop! This one is new this week too.
9. Nana - For Nanny
10. Holding up one finger - now this doesn't really count as a word but I swear she thinks holding up one finger is sign language for an M&M treat. Emily has quite a sweet tooth. Ben could really take or leave candy although he is getting more interested in it. Emily on the other hand can't quite get enough candy like most kids. We keep a candy dish of M&M's in the cupboard and I will let Emily have one at a time so I always say, "1 treat Em, just one treat" holding up one finger. It took her about two seconds to figure out how to ask for "1 treat".
I have a feeling we are about to have a language explosion for Em right now as she seems to be repeating sounds more and more these days. She also has her own sing song way of saying Thank you and Knock Knock. Its like she has the inflection right but can't say the words. Pretty sure I can't do it justice in words. Ben is very into telling Knock Knock jokes and they are pretty bad. In fact just about every knock knock joke he tells has something to do with a Jellyfish on your head. Although today he did have a Halloween themed joke for me.

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Boo hoo?

1 comment:

Chip said...

Ellie's favorite knock knock joke is:
Knock Knock
Who's there
zucchini who
zoo can eat mee if you want to. She has to tell it to Chip every night while I am reading her a story