Friday, September 25, 2009

Game Night

Dockerty Family Game Night

We have a few games that we can now play as a family although they often need to be modified to accomodate a 2 year old. One of of favorite games is called Hiss, and yes it is a snake game. Thankfully the snakes are cute colorful creatures if you can believe such a thing even exists! Here we are playing a twist on the game "Guess Who" it was pretty fun but the kids mostly just enjoyed trying the different frames on. Emily very much enjoyed being the baby. I'm not sure I enjoyed being the pig though! Other games we play are:

Go Away Monster
Chicken Cha Cha Cha (Grandma's favorite)
Mr. Mouth
Let's Go Fishing (aka Gulping Guppies) **
The kids of Carcassonne
Feed the Kitty (one of the kids favorites)
and I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

**Noltner family legend says that one Christmas all I wanted was Gulping Guppies and apparently it was the hottest Christmas gift that year my parents apparently searching high and low for one and then were very pleased when they found one, legend goes on to say that I only played with it once.
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