Thursday, September 24, 2009


Emily can now count! Last night as she was laying down to sleep we
heard her say. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and then start
all over again. This past weekend she was in Rochester and Grandma
Dockerty called us to say did you know Emily can count to 9? I said yes
she has been counting along with Ben for awhile and I had been noticing
that she was actually counting more now instead of just saying random
numbers as she does when she sings the ABC's she just says various
letters to the tune of the ABC's.

Just this morning now Emily was counting for Mike but she would always
start with three and once she says nine she stops but if you say ten
then she will add on ELEVEN.

Funny girl! Who counts from 3 -9? I guess we will have to work on 1 &
2. Maybe she starts with 3 because she thinks she is 3. Lately when
I've asked her how old she is she will say 3, she knows Ben is 5 and
that 5 is 5 fingers too!

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