Monday, November 10, 2008

How GREEN is your 4 year old?

Will someone please tell me where this is coming from? Ben will not allow us to throw anything away! While some degree of concern for the garbage piling up in this world is great, this is a bit excessive. Ben questions everything we try to throw away and we certainly should not throw away any of his food away. He even has gone so far to save the little packets that fruit snacks come in. This past weekend we were staying at Grandma and Grandpa's house and he asked Grandma to hide the fruit snack pack in the drawer as he was afraid that Grandpa would throw it way! Obviously he doesn't know that it is Grandma who is the one that cleans off the counter and throws things away. His Uncle Mike and Aunt Cassie should be very proud. He saves every little plastic snack bag that he uses, promptly tucking them back into the drawer regardless if they are clean or not. Oh you mean that little bag had some pickles in it and is now covered in pickle juice? oops.

When asked why he doesn't want to throw anything away he says, "Because I don't like garbage." When prompted further he says he doesn't like the garbage man. Not sure what that is all about. If any has any ideas I would love to hear them. And if you have any ideas on what to do with empty fruit snack packs I would like to hear them as well.

In the meantime he is getting small portions of food as he will sit at the table for two hours to finish all his food just so we don't throw it away! Yes there are benefits to this but sometimes its a bit much. Like when we had just a few spaghetti noodles to throw away (not enough to save for leftovers) and he had a total meltdown! Yes, easy going Ben had a meltdown about throwing away spaghetti noodles.

Needless to say we are discussing recycling a lot in our house these days!

I guess I should take him on a tour of the bathrooms at Best Buy, they have GREEN toilets. Have you heard of a GREEN Toilet? I'm not talking about the 70's style avocado green color of porcelain. These are white toilets with a green handle that allows different levels of water flow through depending on your needs. The sign above the toilet reads, "Up for #1 and Down for #2", I'm not even kidding. You lift the green handle up for liquid waste and push the handle down for solid waste.

1 comment:

Darla said...

He's a future environmentalist! By the way, toilets with different size flush options are standard here is Tokyo, even in some homes. Our language teacher explained that girls always use the "big" flush because of the toilet paper. And, in some bathrooms the basin where you wash hands is mounted behind the toilet and the water that goes down the drain actually fills the toilet tank!