Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Third Annual Halloween Party

My niece Princess Sophia proudly displaying her pumpkin.
Mamas Bookclub kids Danny, Ameya and Thali

A group photo after a fun game of musical Gravestones.

The GIANT cake our neighbor Ann brought to contribute to the party.
The picture does not do it justice this was a FULL SHEET CAKE!

Emily trying very hard to play musical gravestones.

Third annual Dockerty Halloween Party.
November 1, 2008

Aaron and Levi

Rachel (sister of Ben's pre school friend James)

Peyton - Ben's pre school friend from last year.
It was very fun for the boys to see each other again!
As Peyton said, "It's just me, Peyton"
Red Cat and Mommy Cat - Thomas and Catherine

Lisa and nearly 8 month old Graydon

The guys enjoying the beautiful fall day.

Ben and his pre school friend James.

The treats!

Brothers Levi and Henry

Abigail and Emily

Our neighbor friend Jake.

Ben with some of his pre school friends James, Isaiah, and Zachary.

We had beautiful weather for our Halloween party this year, the kids played outside most the time. Not bad for November first!

Ben and Janae

The group watching the last survivors of Musical Tombstones.

1 comment:

cammieandtravis said...

You amaze me!! Everyday you work a full time job and yet still manage to find great quality time with your family and friends doing lot's of fun and exciting things. When I told Trav that you amaze me and I don't know how you do it. His reply was (she has always been like that!) WOW!!