I have a huge phobia of snakes and wouldn't you know my son loves snakes. I have worked hard not to let my fear of snakes influence Ben. I tried so hard it made him love snakes! In high school my dear friend Rachel took my Biology book and
paper clipped construction paper over all the pictures of snakes. Yes, it is that bad. I can't even look at a photo of a snake. But now we even have books in our house with pictures of real snakes in them. Now, I don't read those books to Ben but I did allow him to purchase it. He also has several little plastic snakes that are constantly on the floor of our kitchen. In fact I'm so used to seeing little red and green and yellow snakes in the house I'm fairly desensitized at least to the cute plastic looking ones that is. Ben does however have this large green and white snake that he got at the Como zoo that looks
kind of real especially since it coils up all nicely. Ben likes to hang it in odd places around the house. The other night I came home from work late and expecting the kids and Paulette to be waiting for me (since I was so late) I flew into the house and got no response. Some lights were on and I could tell that people couldn't be far I started yelling for them and I ran upstairs and then I ran downstairs. As I came around the basement stairs there was Ben's snake hanging on the hand rail and I about jumped out the window! Turns out they were all at the library but the combination of me wondering what happened to them all and the unexpected snake had my heart racing!
And my point is......
I started this blog with the intention of saying that I find it ironic that Emily can tell you the sounds that three animals make. Dog, Cat, and yes a snake!
So the cat totally makes sense as we have two cats. Emily seems to love dogs and it can be really funny when she sees a dog or even a picture of one as she will say "Woof Woof" about a hundred times in a row. Tonight we were at Urgent Care (Emily has an ear infection) and Emily was digging in my purse she came across some coupons for the Target photo studio (big surprise there) and the picture on the coupon is of a dog. She immediately started saying "Woof Woof" marching around the Dr. office. Looking at the coupon with the picture of the dog can only be entertaining for 5 or so minutes so then we had to dig a bit deeper into Mom's purse. And that is when she found a little green lizard that looks a lot like the little green, red, yellow snakes I mentioned earlier (the lizards and the snakes actually came in a set together). So thinking the lizard was a snake she immediately started saying "
sssss sssss". Just as a test I started asking her what a duck says, or a pig, or a sheep and she just looked at me. I then said what does a kitty say? and she says "Meow" and a dog? "Woof Woof" and a snake "
ssss ssss". Great! I think I may need to get therapy for my phobia!