Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Giant Snowman

This is the GIANT snowman on Mineral Point Road in Madison, WI. Ben was very impressed with this snowman and was very excited to show it to Dad, Mom, and Baby. He was able to see it the day before and he was so excited to tell us about it and his exact words were, "Emily will love this she will say, "WOW"". This photo was taken in early January, we actually just saw this snowman this past weekend and he was looking very sad, the only thing left standing was his scarf and he was no longer white more of a dingy grey. Guess that's a good sign that spring is on the way! Sad for the snowmen of the world but happy for the rest of us who long for the sun and and trees!


Chip said...

How come I never saw this?

Jen Dockerty said...

Chip it is on Mineral Point Road somewhere near that huge church before my parents farm. Hopefully they will do it again next year as I hope they won't have enough snow to do it again this year!