Saturday, July 4, 2009

Father's Day 2009

I know what you are thinking, what? no cookie cake?

The guys celebrated Father's Day by attending their last Twins game in the dome.

Human Scissors

Happy 5th Birthday Ben! On June 24, 2009 we had a private Dockerty family celebration. Ben wanted Mac & Cheese, french fries, and cake. He also special ordered a specific Scooby Doo theme and I will tell you I searched long and hard to find Scooby balloons and someone that would make a Scooby cake. Turns out Target had the cake and the third Party Store had two Scooby balloons left! Seeing the look on his face make it all worth while! Being without a home phone means that no one can talk to Ben until his Mom or Dad ar around with their cell phones. Starting immediately at 6pm Ben received one phone call after another from his friends and family. He was honored to be the recipient of all the phone calls but when we were just about to have him open his gifts and the phone rang again and he said, "oh no not another one!"

In celebration of Ben I will relay my most recent favorite Benism.

Ben: "Grandma can you give me a scissors so that I can cut a picture?"

Grandma: "Yes, Ben here you go but be careful these are sharp."

Ben: Receiving an adult pair of scissors looks disdainfully at his Grandma and says, "Um, Aren't these HUMAN scissors?"